Saturday, September 14, 2024

After 15 years...we are back!!! Croatia and Italy 2024

 First and foremost, ... a couple of things!!

1) My last post was in 2009! 15 years ago...we were 49! What happened???? Yes, we have traveled but somewhere along the way, I lost the/my simple pleasure of blogging about our adventures. Before you roll your eyes and assume this is the electronic version of home movies, I assure you my entries will be kept to brief descriptions and anecdotes of the pictures that are shared. Each day I will post, for those of you interested in following along .... (While you sit at your desk, answering phones, typing

away and daydreaming of the places we have the privilege and blessing to experience.)

2) All of the places we will visit, Linda is the planner of this trip. Without her, I would be sitting at my desk, answering phones, typing... etc. etc.

3) The world is changing, we are changing (getting older ... both turning 65 in the next few months), and our mind set is changing. How many days do we have left? Only the Lord knows, but one thing is for sure ... every day we are here is one less day to when we are not. We have our health, we still have some energy, now is the time to ... "Do IT now, before IT's over!!

Travel Dates: 09/12/2024 thru 10/05/2024 ... here we go:

This trip did not start off smoothly. After a mechanical issue, our flight from Houston to Newark was 10 minutes late for our connecting flight to Dubrovnik, Croatia and we missed it (thank you United as the delay was supposed to be 30 minutes, turned into 3 hours). A delay of 1 1/2 days and we finally made it. After changing flights/airlines (changing to Lufthansa) ...2 more times and a taxi ride from Newark to JFK ... the best sight ever was when we finally landed in Dubrovnik ... seeing our luggage arrive!!!

Robert (Bobby) and Oxana ... (Robert is Linda's brother) are traveling buddies for the past 20 years or more. They are always up for an adventure, and this trip will be one. Here is a quick picture of where we will eat breakfast...notice the real grape vine!

So ... the morning of day one is in the books ... a good night sleep was had, and because of the timing jet lag should not be a big issue. Thanks for following ... we will head to the cruise ship to unload and then on to the "old town" of Dubrovnik. Check back often for updated post!

I am a lazy traveler!!

I admit it...I don't write down all the places we are going to or where we have been ... when the tour guide starts to tell us all the history and details of a particular place that I have never seen or will never see ends up sounding like the teacher in Charlie Brown ... wonk, wonk, wonk.

I will catch a few of the main points, but here is how I love to travel. Strolling with Linda down the cobble stone streets of a old village or town, stopping to sit and watch the tourist, sitting in an outdoor cafe having a cup of coffee in the morning and maybe an ice cold beer in the afternoon, and hoping I see a few good photo opportunities. 

Local Dark Beer from cold too!!

Linda having a white coffee with Bailey's and Kahlua while Oxana having a hot chocolate.

Meanwhile a commotion was heading our way...a wedding parade like I haven't see before...this is the parade on the way to the reception....should have been a wedding crasher. These folks can party!

We are on a smaller cruise boat (Always Croatia Tours) named the Desire...or Desiree' as Linda would say. Our next 7 days is to island hop and see villages, and towns along the way. 

We ready....

Croatian Flag....a little tattered but blowing majestically.

Island hopping, small towns and villages...kind of our thing!

Fresh fruit and vegetables are everywhere .... no package products or preservatives here ... I am going to eat healthy!!

Fresh water from the mountains piped in by gravity through miles of aqueducts ...