Linda's absolute dream has been to live in France for a period of spend more than tourist time with her extended family of Aunts, Uncles, Cousins (of which there are many (34 to be exact) and spread out all over the country). From Feb 26 thru April 23 Linda will get her fill of red wine, fresh bread and cheese every morning, french pastries and croissants, coffee at the side walk cafes and soak up the her heritage (she was born in France).
Craig is going along for the ride (March 11 thru April 8th)...not having a clue what to expect, expecting big time "culture shock"...but anxious to watch his "Frenchie" in action...
with her "other" family whom I only heard about the last 29 years.
France has the Internet...I am still in business....Have laptop will travel!
Frequent Flyer Miles...the only way to travel!

Mike and Susan Morykon of One Another Ministries have graciously offered the use of their house (as they return to the USA on furlough) in the small town of Lattes just outside of Montpellier...right on the Mediterranean Sea. One Another Ministries is comprised of some special folks (Robert and Debra Lugar, Dorcas Harbin)...they are missionaries to the missionary, providing a sanctuary of rest, safety and spiritual, emotional and mental counseling to those who have "answered the call" and are serving "at the ends of the earth"!
These are awesome people!! (and special clients!)

France is the 2nd-largest country in Europe, with an area of (211,209 sq mi).
Comparatively, the area of France is slightly less than twice the size of the state of Colorado.

This is Montpellier!! according to someone who took this picture...and posted on the web.
We will use the month of March to find out!!
I'm sooo excited for you Mom and Dad!!! We are going to miss you soo much!! I can't believe that Mom leaves in 2 weeks! I'm so jealous!!!