Pepe's Morning quote:
This little love bundle. Now she is seeking for us a trysting place. Touching, is it not? Come, my little peanut of brittle. I will help you. Wait for me. Wait.
This little love bundle. Now she is seeking for us a trysting place. Touching, is it not? Come, my little peanut of brittle. I will help you. Wait for me. Wait.
On October 27, 1959...a major event happened (I wasn't even born yet) in France, that would change my life...(American Hospital of Paris)...

and almost 50 years later...she is still changing it...

Linda's cousin Franck picked us up at the train station at around midnight...the next day we visted a few of the sights...Notre Dame on the Seine River...took 200 years to build it...sorry for the poor photography...it wasn't using a flash.

A mid-day Mass was going on while we were inside.

Outside an "impressive" statue of Charlemagne...King of France in the 8th and 9th century.
Franck took us to one of his favorite restaurants...more wine!!...fabulous meal!
Linda tasting Escargot...snails...very tasty.

All around Paris you can hop on a bike for free....kind of a community service that is offered.

Next Stop was Sainte-Chapelle...a private chapel to Louis IX...built from 1226-1270. The entire chapel is surrounded by stain glass windows...all depicting the books in the Bible...breathtaking to be in such a place.

Smart Cars are gaining momentum...not only for fuel reasons, but these babies can park in plces you can't imagine.

The following day we went to the Palace of Versailles...a magnificent palace, built by Louis XIV in the mid-17th century...
This is the ultimate definition of "opulence"....
In many of the apartments/rooms...not sure what they were exactly called...all of the ceilings were painted with various themes...some Biblical and others of Mythology.
Hall of Mirrors...First time Mirrors were introduced as a decorative design statement. There are so many potraits of Louis XIV...I think he just liked looking at himself.
The gardens were a sight to see...Linda told me when she was here visiting 25 years ago with Kristen as a one year old...on these grounds Kristen learned to walk!!!!

Franck and Linda...these 2 are non-stop talkers...Linda is always laughing at Franck's jokes and his humorous insight to life...I wish I could understand half the things they are saying.

Linda's cousin Franck picked us up at the train station at around midnight...the next day we visted a few of the sights...Notre Dame on the Seine River...took 200 years to build it...sorry for the poor photography...it wasn't using a flash.
Outside an "impressive" statue of Charlemagne...King of France in the 8th and 9th century.
All around Paris you can hop on a bike for free....kind of a community service that is offered.
Next Stop was Sainte-Chapelle...a private chapel to Louis IX...built from 1226-1270. The entire chapel is surrounded by stain glass windows...all depicting the books in the Bible...breathtaking to be in such a place.
The following day we went to the Palace of Versailles...a magnificent palace, built by Louis XIV in the mid-17th century...
Inside the Chapel/church...
Franck and Linda...these 2 are non-stop talkers...Linda is always laughing at Franck's jokes and his humorous insight to life...I wish I could understand half the things they are saying.
Linda about to take a ride in Paris traffic...the only way to avoid it!
We are off to Troo, where Franck's father and mother...and Linda's Aunt and Uncle...Max and Sylvie...live in the French Countryside...about a 45 minute train ride from Paris...more to come...we will be back in Paris on Tuesday...
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