For the past several years Linda and I have spent the fall in Telluride with family and friends...and sometimes just us! This is the cabin...the sanctuary of rest and peace! The house is pictured below...the house behind the big one...fairly remote...20 miles south of Telluride....on the east side of Trout Lake.

Here is what you wake up to...these are 13-eeners! Right outside the door...maybe 3 miles away...Majestic to say the least...this is where the angels hang out...till they are dispatched!!

Trout Lake...the cabin is between the lake and the mountains...on past trips you could hear the Elk bugeling at night time...unique sound!!

They say there are celebrities who live in Telluride...Tom Cruise, etc...I just saw...

these 2...

Tons of Jeep trails...and back country roads...around Telluride and Ouray...allot of mines to expore as well as scenic autumn colors!

Aspens galore!

High above Telluride, just short of Imogene Pass...an entire mining town in the late 1800's and early 1900's...as many as 800 people lived up here at 12,000 ft.

This is the site of what is left of the Tomboy Mine above Telluride...below is what it looked like in the early 1900's...

High in the Rockies!!! among the evergreens!

We concluded that the obliteration of these mining structures were due to avalanches, high winds, and people like Bobby who climb on things they shouldn't!

What is left of the Assayer's house...

I love Colorado!!!

more ruins...

Bobby the Tunnel Rat!

Happy is as Happy does....Lavergne and Shirley walking down the mountain!

These horses are happy to be where they are...

More mines...south of Ouray...

From the inside of an abandon mine....looking out...

If there hadn't been water in the mine...Bobby would have been in deep.

Mining Equipment....

Elk grazing on the country side...