Moab, UT...a 4 wheeling, Jeeping playground...among some of the most beautiful geoloogic rock formations I had seen...

Canyons, plateaus, rock spires, towers and gravity defying balancing acts...God was showing off when he created Moab.


Linda loves Moab...definitely coming back with the kids!

Linda sitting under a huge arch...


This is a great way to see Moab...

The Rhino...kinda of like a dune buggy golf cart that acts like a Jeep...

So many different rock formations...

Bobby and his Bow-Legs...

Moab Women we found...

More rocks...more diversity...

A little Oasis in the middle of dry dirt...guess where the stream was.

This is one candidate for the ablum cover....

Linda...showing off...

Dinosaur Bones....

Linda studying up on her anthropology...

Bobby and Oxana bustin a move before the big accident...

While Linda and I were stopped at a creek bed full of water, Bobby took a curve and ran right up on us...instead of hitting us from behind, he swerved up on an embankment and both he and Oxana were thrown from the 4 wheeler...and then were subsequently pinned when the bike fell on top on top of them (fallng 4-5 ft)...
Linda and I watched it happen just feet from us...and ended up lifting the 4 wheeler freeing Oxana and Robert...

Both Bobby and Oxana were seriously banged up...and as usual, Bobby in his style...smiles for the picture. I really don't think he knew how much pain he would be in a few minutes later.

God was with us that day...the angels protected us...after an Emergency Room visit and x-rays...Bobby left with a sore sprained back and both had minor cuts and bruises.
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