Cool place....know for "Huitres"or "Raw Oysters" can buy a dozen for 5 Euro' the city the restaurants serve them at 19 Euro's....

Which of course Linda's cousin Franck bought 5 or 6 dozen to feed all these boys...

When Franck grills....he grills Big! So much of the dinner time is reserved for family time....the boys would sit around the table and talk...with their parents! Such a novel idea! Franck says that "eating is a meeting" true!
Meet my new Friend....
Linda practicing her skills for her auditions for the "Price is Right"
Family....Nadia and Linda hitting the beach!
Summer beach houses....good did I mention sand....

Here is Linda after we ran through the sand to catch the sunset out over the Atlantic....sending it off for you to enjoy in Colorado....starting to miss home....

No that is not any of us....but it made for a good picture....fabulous sunsets....haven't seen one of these this way for a long time....ummm....they do not have these is Colorado! The mountains block the view!

Just a few days here....tomorrow we begin our journey back to a round about way....heading to the Northern Coast of France where we will report in from St. Malo...Mt. St. Michel...and Normandy...the D-Day Beaches! Check back tomorrow!
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